Saturday, January 31, 2009
wibii!!!! lols(no idea wat in the world the word means but) hello? +.= ...kk.. err yesterday quite fun.. got my pics taken.. (@#$%!!!) and err.. shit.. forget wat i want say liao.. anyways...after the 'bai nian' part, we went somewhere eat dinner.. which i didnt eat much.. but.. somehow.. i kinda enjoyed the meal thr... haha.!! to mic-- Ur not the onli one who has pics =p }}}
here are the pics
wakkakaka.. why the yu sheng glowing one? =.=

we 'lao' until so messy.. lols..

what is this?

ehh nick.. you want eat?

messy table

this was suppose to be a fan filled wif confetti-s lol.. nvm.. not well taken

look at the ground =p

i have no idea wat this has in relation to yesterday +.+
i think tats all...
actually not... got more pics.. but too lazy post.. but yesterday was fun ^^ kk..zao liao
7:58 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009
got new blog.. private one.. onli my best of the best frens can see( actually i got not much frens.. so maybe 3 or 4 can get to view it) lols...
5:11 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!
1.yay!!! can write random things liao
3.its my turn to shine
4.crap,.. i just wasted 4 slots..
5.ok.. i just wasted another one.. better not waste anymore, so here goes
6.i like strawberry milk
7.i like to scold ppl
8.i want to slp
9.i like halo
10.i wish i could skip this saturday
11.i like random stuffs
12.i hate my spoils
13.i like to eat
14.i like seaweed
15.i like drawing
16.i like maths
17.i want to make a grenade
18.i like Nazi Zombies
19.i like my keyboard
20.i want freedom
21.i sweat alot
22.i want more holidays
23.i want my own comp
24.i want to slap your face with your own hand
25.i wasted the last slot
Choose 25 people:
1. Nick Soo(again)
2. Malvick(stupid advertisement)
3. Jun Cong(if he has a blog)
4. Jit Fats aka Caltex (if he is not too lazy to do it)
5. Crystal
6 Jaydee
7. Wei Jie(arrow boy)
8. Wei Qiang
9. Chewbakka
10. Jing Kang
11. Say Keong
12. MingZhen
13. Shun Feng
14. James
15. i ran out of frens... shit.. that makes me an emo... -,-
16. errr lets seee
17. yay!!! i wasted another 3 slots!!!
18. That makes it 4 =p
19. Nick Tan(if he sees my blog)
20. Michelle
21. him
22. her
23. them
24. that person there
25. and you.. the person viewing my blog
done..lols... three quiz in a row..
3:56 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
TAGGED!!!! (again)..lols
1.Are you a Chinese or English freako?
2.If time was going to stop, what would you possibly do for that time?
go steal money
3.Do you prefer a playpool or playground?
i prefer to play game
4.Do you usually gossip or be gossiped about?
5.Do you like simple or complicated stuff?
simple but complicated
6.Do you tackle numbers or alphabets better?
7.What makes you pissed off?
doing the quiz
8.How's your childhood?
sux (Nick will noe)
9.Do you have inspiration without perspiration?
wat crap talking you..
10.Do you think 24 hours is too long, too short or just right?
how i know?
11.Would you judge people by their appearance?
you asking for the obvious ar?
12.What is attractive in your eyes?
13.Do you like the day or night? Explain why.
day.. cause only got three letters
14.If your computer just hanged, with a long document not being saved, what would you do?
go and eat
15.Do you believe in miracles?
only when it happens
16.Do you tend/try to forget the past?
i forgot wat i was thinking
17.In your mind, why are there colours?
im colourblind damn you
18.Have you ever shed tears over the really pitiful?
what do you mean by pitiful?
19.Describe your attitude.
no one likes it
20.Do you suddenly lose the grasp of hope to survive as yet?
happened once before
21.Name 3 advantages about where you live:
1. near Nicks place (can nazi zombies more often =p)
2. its near me
3. its near the place where i live
22.What's your ambition in life?
doing nothing
23.Do you believe in horoscopes?
24.Describe music in your life.
nice noises
25.Which countries would you like to go to?
26.What do you think blogging is about?
talking as much crap as possible
27.When you fail a test:
28.Pass this to 8 friends, for them to get it done.
iMal@ (dun say i nvr tag you -.-) 2. Nick Soo (suay la you)
3. James
4. Wei Jie
5. Jing Kang
6. Wei qiang
7. Ming Zhen
8. you
2:36 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
errsss..changed part of the quiz.. cause.. i think someone didnt like it.. =p
1) The person who last tagged you is
Nick Soo
2) Your relationship with him/her is
sec skul frens
3)Your impression of him
4) The most memorable thing he's done for you is
wasted my time
5) The most memorable words he said to you
"eh nut"
6) If he/she becomes your lover
7) If he/she becomes your lover, he/she have to improve on
wasting more time
8) If he becomes your enemy
walk off
9) If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be
this quiz
10) The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now is
adjust his clock to an hour earlier so that he will be on time
11) Your overall impression of him is
"someone who doesnt go by 'clock time' "-mr. kwok
12) How you think the ppl around you will think about you
a hot and sexy nut
13) The traits about you that you love are
14) On the contrary, the traits about you that you hate are
15) The most ideal person you want to be is
16) For ppl that care and like you, say something to them
17) Pass this quiz to ten ppl:
1. Nick Soo
2.Jing Kang
3. Crystal
4. Jaydee
5. Shun Feng
6. Alloy
7. MingZhen
8. James
9. Wei Jie
10. Michelle( pai seh, no one liao =X)
18) who is no.6 having a relationship with? (alloy)
alot of girls
19) Is no.9 a female or male? (Wei Jie)
male la
20) If no.7 and 10 are together, would it be a good thing? (Ming Zhen and Michelle)
no, they're both girls
21) How about no.8 and 5? (Shun Feng and James)
they're both guys =_=
22) What is no.2 studying? ( Jing Kang)
sec 3?
23) When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? (Crystal)
24) What kind of music band does no.8 like? (James)
25) Does no.1 have any siblings? (Nick Soo)
Yup.. two
26) Will you woo no.3? (crystal)
27) How about no.7? (Ming Zhen)
Shes my cousin -.-
28) What is the hobby of no.4? (Jaydee)
ask her urself
29) Do no.5 and 9 get along well? (Shun Feng and Wei Jie)
30) Where does no.2 study in? (Jing Kang)
31) Talk something casually about no.1? (Nick Soo)
32) Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? (James)
i not gay
33) Where does no.9 live? (Wei jie)
at his house
34) What color does no.4 like? (Jaydee)
35) Are no.5 and 1 best friends? (Nick Soo and Shun Feng)
36) Does no.7 like 2? (Ming Zhen and Jing Kang)
no, dunno
37) How did you get to know no.2? (Jing Kang)
38) is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? (Ming Zhen)
wtf, shes my cousin
5:28 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
lols.. got a very wierd dream yesterday.. its not wat you think!!! but.. i think james shud noe liao.. anyways the dream was dam bloody random...
was at skul, around the ncc notice board there, was doin smthin wif the part c's.. suddenly sia.. the npcc cadet took their air pistols and started shooting at us.. wtf..
then shot quite a few of my platoon mates.. they died =x (dream only)
then i didnt la... i hid behind someone
(cannot say identity, afterwards i kena by him)
then he was shot instead of me
(that explains why he didnt go for training the next day[real one])
.. dunno why i did that.i so BAD!!..
then suddenly, i saw the floor got rubber bands. i took it, and started shooting la
(no rifle, obvious shoot rubber band rite? =_=)
.. then hit one of the npcc cadets
( the eye.. muahaha!! my aiming so zun)
... then....... i was killed...-.- okok the end..lols...
i could feel myself being shot in the dream. dam pain sia!!!!
actually.. got alot more.. but too lazy to say.. you want noe ask me =p
10:35 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
bloggin again.. lols..changed my url. some ppl say nice, some ppl say retarded.. wat do you think? anyways last sunday was dam funny. i at junction8 there goin down escalator, wa piang suddenly got one fat b*tch come in front of me. i was 'pushed' and wtf, she walked down the escalator and the entire thing was like.. shaking? i tot the escalator would break down... i mean break into pieces actually... lols... lucky nvr really break.. but i think the escalator stopped. ppl had to walk down instead.. lol.. kkays nid zao liao.. BBs
3:48 AM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
what am i writing?
10:27 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
8:31 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
omg..trainin so hiong.. stand until my leg almost break..sien, didnt have enough sleep also, today when i came home, i dropped somethin on the floor. squated down to pick it up, found that i couldnt stand up.. too painful...haiz.. anyways.. today hall assembly quite funny... samuel pang and arnol were dam funny and stupid... lols...'those were my oreos! mine! mine! mine!' he stamped on the floor three times and the floor was like.. vibrating like mad.. earthquake sia...
the end
11:23 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
yesterday got ncc, today oso hav... -.- 12 hrs=sien... haiz, i nid rest
4:59 AM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
: gt ncc.. never go, cus got resting at home.. yesterday wanted to update, but the internet explorer suddenly 'paboom' so cannot use.. spent the whole nite fixing... now very tired sia.. everyday nvr hav enough sleep.... wierd but.. i suddenly like a-maths... -.-
zzzzzZz ok, i think its the endTHE END
10:41 PM
Thursday, January 1, 2009
sian.. tomorrow first day of skul....hiazz... this could be the last time im sad........ =( dunno wat to say sia...... 2morrow oso gt ncc, so quite sian, shud have been held later... SIAN AR!!!!! haix... very tired... anyways, yesterday i celebrated the new year at my Nick's hse... quite fun actually... lols.... dunno why feel like writing poem now.. nvms... next time...lols... i think thats all...
THE END is just another begining...
5:05 AM